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What’s Worse Than Wearing Flip Flops?

Wearing socks with flip flops, of course.

Recoil recently took a “brutally candid” look at Combat Flip Flops (CFF), the company started by two US Army Rangers with a mission to “grow sustainable, profitable economy in Afghanistan that is not related to war, drugs, or government contracting.”

I’d say that’s a pretty honorable mission, but don’t let the name of the company fool you – as CFF will tell you, their flip flops are “bad for running, worse for fighting.”

Combat Flip Flops

Sounds like Recoil agrees:

These AK-47s from Combat Flip Flops (CFF) are terrible shoes. The company does not lie when they say Bad for Running, Worse for Fighting. They really are awful. I’m about to go online and order another pair.

So what’s the big deal? Read the rest of the article to find out.

3 Responses to What’s Worse Than Wearing Flip Flops?

  1. TK May 20, 2014 at 10:38 am #

    Flip flops are for women…but those do look pretty nice.

  2. Ryan May 20, 2014 at 2:39 pm #

    $70 for some flip flops? No thanks.

    • Mike May 20, 2014 at 3:34 pm #

      Thanks for sharing Ryan.