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Missouri Highway Patrol Gave Feds Weapon Permit Data

Well isn’t that special. The Columbia Tribune is reporting that Missouri Highway Patrol has twice given the entire list of Missouri concealed weapon permit holders to federal authorities, most recently in January.

What’s the big deal? Well under Missouri law, the names of concealed weapon permit holders are confidential. Or at least they are supposed to be. So to whom was the list given to, and for what purpose?

The list was given to the Social Security Administration Office of Inspector General, Schaefer said he was told.

“Apparently from what I understand, they wanted to match up anyone who had a mental diagnosis or disability with also having a concealed carry license,” Schaefer said. “What I am told is there is no written request for that information.”

He said he intends to ask Replogle for full details at an appropriations committee hearing on the patrol’s budget on Thursday morning.

The patrol responded by confirming that it had shared the list of concealed weapons holders with federal authorities.

“The information was provided to law enforcement for law enforcement investigative purposes,” Capt. Tim Hull wrote in an email response to questions from the Tribune.

The only way to obtain the full list is through a special request. Only law enforcement is supposed to have access to concealed carry information and then only on an individual basis. When a law enforcement officer looks up an individual’s driving record, it shows whether they have a concealed carry endorsement.

You can read more here.

I fear that stories like this are going to become more and more common. The push for registration continues.

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9 Responses to Missouri Highway Patrol Gave Feds Weapon Permit Data

  1. dgdimick April 11, 2013 at 10:54 am #

    Add this to the large purchases of Ammo and let the panic start. I think, that once the SS department get this data it may fall under HIPPA, one more right being taken away

  2. Greg April 11, 2013 at 10:59 am #

    This is why, that I left New (Jersey) Germany and am now in Kentucky, where the 2nd Amendment is deeply rooted in the culture. I Open Carry, and suggest that all that can, do the same, as no registration is needed. Here we purchase privately and open carry and there is NO information to give to the Gestapo

  3. motomed April 11, 2013 at 11:01 am #

    biased journalism much…. I don’t remember learning about the Bill of Privileges when I was a kid….

    “Permit holders have a special mark on their licenses indicating they have been granted the privilege of carrying a gun.”

  4. Mark M. April 11, 2013 at 11:09 am #

    I’ve read elsewhere that the BATF has requested funds to create a new database that can search and tie together records from both public and private data sources. Obviously those sources could be a combinations of all law enforcement records (including state police), health records (including insurance records which would indicate prescription medications), military service records, phone company records, utility company records,…basically you name it.

    Think of the type of software that the Intelligence Agencies used to tie all the loose data together to track down Bin Laden through his associates and you get the picture. With every new system you need test data to get the bugs out, which is what this Missouri info – from apparently the sympathetic Missouri Highway Patrol – gives them.

  5. Hillbilly Bob April 11, 2013 at 11:26 am #

    Screw the MHP

  6. Jim April 11, 2013 at 11:49 am #

    It is the start of Confiscation by the new Gestapo and Brownshirts.

  7. Gregtoal April 11, 2013 at 2:52 pm #

    This is another of the GROWING NUMBER of government agencies DISREGARDING the CONSTITUTION. How can we, as lawful, civic minded citizens, fight/stop this increased Constitutional abuse? When is enough? Ct. has blatantly IGNORED the Bill of Rights & Constitution, passed illegal & idiotic laws WITH NO CONSEQUENCE! How much do we stand for? Where do we turn when the Reps we elected, do as THEY want, no matter WHAT the public says?

  8. Steve April 11, 2013 at 3:41 pm #

    Where is the ACLU on this issue?
    Who ever gave the information needs to be in jail.

    • Hillbilly Bob April 11, 2013 at 4:46 pm #

      Screw the ACLU, until they fight for all of our rights and not just some the ACLU can kiss my ass